Ministry Representative

The Ministry Representative is a volunteer who works directly under the supervision of a local staff member. His or her work ranges from direct ministry and evangelism to roles that assist the ministry’s efforts to mobilize and train volunteers in local churches.

The term for this role may be limited or open-ended in length. Ministry Representatives are permitted to raise funds for reimbursable ministry expense purposes, but not for a salary. Attendance at International Students, Inc’s NSO (New Staff Orientation) is encouraged, but not required. A written recommendation for this role is required from either a Home Office or a Field Staff member. An application will be sent upon completion of the Inquiry Form.

The benefit to you of this “super volunteer” role is that you will receive all the networking privileges of our staff, excellent ministry training, discounted resources at staff rates, and invitations/reduced rates to all our training and conference events. Your official association with our organization’s sterling history of international student ministry may also provide you access to international students on campus which would not be afforded you otherwise. Further, a ministry account may be established for the purpose of tax-deductible donations for your reimbursable ministry expenses, should you desire.

A profile of duties includes:
Friendship  Partner®
The Ministry Representative for International Students, Inc. will include opportunities to serve as a friend to international students. This will expose you to significant opportunities to share the unconditional love of Christ with an international student on a very relational level. Competency in cross-cultural communication will be a key to effectiveness.

Assisting Local Staff
International Students, Inc. utilizes the services of Ministry Representatives where there is already a local staff person or team. Responsibilities may be as varied as the needs of international students and the opportunities included in the local ministry’s strategy. Frequently, this includes assisting the weekly ICF (International Christian Fellowship), befriending international students at a welcome table on campus, leading an investigative or discipleship bible study, coordinating the international student ministry programs for a church, or serving as a conversational English partner to a student.

How do you know if the Ministry Representative role would be a fit for you? Ask yourself these important questions:

  • Am I drawn to initiate relationships with visitors from other cultures?
  • Am I driven by a desire to see others reached with the Gospel of Jesus?
  • Do I know about and respect other cultures and their religious beliefs?
  • Would I be energized by serving on a team that befriends international students, leads them into a relationship with Jesus Christ, and disciples them for service?

If you answered “yes” to these questions and the above profile fits you, there is a strong possibility you will feel successful and fulfilled in the role of Ministry Representative for International Students, Inc. We invite you to consider becoming a vital part of one of the most strategic and replicating forms of world missions today.