by Rebekah Miller | Oct 29, 2024
Global Expansion Global Expansion ISI’s ministry is expanding! We are taking a greater role in International Student Ministry globally by establishing ISI regional branches in Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Congo and more countries to come. These global...
by Rebekah Miller | Apr 28, 2023
NGO GO NGO GO NGO Go is an ISI initiative aimed at helping our students prayerfully and entrepreneurially conceptualize, design, and implement social enterprise solutions that address specific challenges. This conference will give them the tools they need to formulate...
by International Students | Mar 13, 2023
World CHangers Conference World Changers Conference ISI’s World Changers Conferences (WCC) are for believing, teachable students who have a heart for God, and who are open to being encouraged and equipped to be disciples who make new disciples and world changers for...
by International Students | Mar 10, 2023
Benevolence Fund Benevolence Fund International Students, Inc. allows for special gifts to be given to our Benevolence Fund for situations like medical emergencies, disaster relief, financial crisis, humanitarian needs, etc. that our staff encounter. We typically do...
by International Students | Mar 8, 2023
National Conference National Conference This highly-anticipated annual event for our staff and volunteers encourages deep fellowship and provides exceptional teaching and opportunities to hone their skills as international student ministers. Our next conference will...