
09 Mar 2021


I trust that you are learning new things about God’s grace and peace and even JOY during these challenging days. Our pastor shared with us a definition of Absolute JOY that touched me deeply: “God’s sovereignty is reflected in His glory and my good simultaneously.” Recently, I read a commencement speech from Chief Justice John ...

in Tips
Stand Firm
01 Mar 2021

Stand Firm

The year 2020 was a tough year, and 2021 started with a spike in COVID deaths and tumult at the capitol. All this and more has perhaps left us with shaken hearts. That’s where Ahaz found himself in Isaiah 7, and the message Isaiah brought him applies to us as well. Ahaz and the nation ...

in Tips
A Happy 2021
12 Jan 2021

A Happy 2021

So often this time of year we hear a phrase that goes something like this: “I hope this next year is better that the last.” This is certainly apropos for many after the year we just went through. I’ve heard it said that “you are what you measure,” and by almost any measure, most would ...

in Tips
Attending an American Wedding
02 Jan 2021

Attending an American Wedding

Weddings are universally considered occasions of great celebration; however, expectations can vary greatly depending on culture, tradition, and environment. If you receive an invitation to a wedding during your time in the US, the following general information should help you know what to expect. Most wedding invitations include an R.S.V.P. This simply means that the ...

Social Networking safety tips
02 Aug 2020

Social Networking safety tips

Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. are a fun way to stay connected with friends and family. When we participate in social networking, there are some helpful safety tips to follow: Remember that criminals also use social media. Only accept friend requests from people you know and with whom you want to ...

How can I be healthy and fit?
28 Jul 2020

How can I be healthy and fit?

Staying healthy takes effort. As students, we are busy and sometimes our own health isn't our top priority. Make health a priority in your life by concentrating on these areas: Eat healthy foods — In the United States, we have an overabundance of food and not all of it is healthy for us. It is ...