Jon and Ruth (Hartunian) Alumbaugh


Jon and Ruth (Hartunian) Alumbaugh

Jon – Ministry Representative
Ruth – Campus Staff

Willimantic, CT

Jon and Ruth (Hartunian)- Alumbaugh have served as leaders in ministry at the University of Connecticut in Storrs for a combined service of over 60 years.  Ruth, as of June first, is now Campus Staff and raising support to step into her official role.  She also serves on the International Women’s Connection Committee, providing online programming for international women.  She seeks to connect with internationals wherever she is to help them meet their felt and spiritual needs as well as offers her service to local churches ministering to internationals.  Together, their desire is to share the love of God in all of its fullness, facets and amazingness with international students.

Committed to Biblical living and called by Christ, they have affected the lives of internationals in over 40 countries.  Through hospitality, giving, teaching, counsel and worship, they are blessed to be serving under the organizational umbrella of International Students, Inc.

Jon continues to work and is partially retired from his employment at Carriage House Mercedes Benz in New London, CT.  Ruth is a registered, board certified music therapist who is self-employed, teaches music lessons, and enjoys a variety of other endeavors that the Lord provides.

Your financial and prayerful support for Jon and Ruth will be an incredible investment for the Kingdom of God.

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