Gary and Sue Smith

Gary and Sue Smith have said “YES” to an adventure of a lifetime as they seek to build friendships with international students and scholars in the greater Boston area and share the love of Christ in real ways with them. God led them to New England after 22 years of missions and church planting ministry in Canada.
Sue sensed God opening up the opportunity to fulfill His call on her life to missions among the nations by saying “YES” to stepping away from full-time administrative leadership at a seminary and into full-time ministry among the vast numbers of universities in Boston and the international students and scholars who are arriving yearly!
The joy of our lives is mobilizing local churches, individuals, and families to join the Lord of the harvest in sharing the love of Christ through friendship, hospitality, Bible discussion, and community life! We hope to do that in the greater Boston area and invite many to join us in the adventure among the nations who are in our own backyard! Thank you for partnering with us for Kingdom impact!