Campus Staff
Moscow, ID
Campus Staff
Moscow, ID
Throughout our lives, we have loved spending time with people from other cultures. It is as though we get a new understanding of who God is when we step outside our own culture and see the world through someone else’s eyes. We can only imagine what it will be like when all nations, tribes, and tongues are worshipping in heaven together.
We have met so many wonderful people from around the world during our time at the University of Idaho and the other places we’ve lived and visited. Together we’ve been to Nepal several times, India, Mexico, Canada, South East Asia and a couple Oceania countries. Through these trips we’ve met some incredible people through whom God is working in enormous ways. We are excited to join with International Students, Inc. to welcome, disciple and share our lives with international students from all over the globe.
Get involved with ISI by taking a look at our staff and volunteer opportunities.