Brett and Roberta have four beautiful adult girls, two sons-in-law and six beautiful grandchildren.
Brett was hired as a pastor at the E-Free Church in Bozeman in 1988. In early 2018 Brett felt called to make a move to work with International Students, Inc. to do what they have been doing as volunteers all along. Having been involved in missions and hosting students in their home for most of their married and professional life, it became more obvious that there was no more effective way to reach the world for Christ than to reach those God was bringing to the doorsteps of our local campuses, full time. These students often return home with their US degrees to become leaders in their own culture and languages. We believe there is no better time to reach them than while they are here, and no better way to reach their countries than through their own best and brightest who attend America’s universities.
In 2021 after volunteering with ISI for 3 years, Roberta felt the same call to join the staff of ISI and gave notice at her full-time work. Brett and Roberta both love and enjoy people and love the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They find no greater joy then watching the two come together.
Thank you for joining them in changing the world by volunteering, praying, and giving financially to support the work of ISI through Brett and Roberta. We appreciate you!
Get involved with ISI by taking a look at our staff and volunteer opportunities.