Joey and Jenn Sforza

Although we were raised less than one mile apart, our paths did not collide until sophomore year in high school, where we met one another through mutual friends and the humble “Bible Club.”
After engaging years of unhurried pursuit, I (Joey) finally and decisively asked Jenn to be my lifetime bride. Without reservation, I (Jenn) surrendered to his irresistible charm and Biblical manhood. He, of course, was overjoyed and anticipatory for May 29, 2010, when we entered into matrimonial rest.
Throughout our relationship, the Lord dropped several hints (both subtle and deafening) confirming our joint, full-time call to New Jersey college missions with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ), which lasted 12 years! When covid hit 2020, God showed us another door through a Hindu immigrant student named Roman. For two years, we engaged in lifestyle evangelism with him until he professed faith in Christ in November 2021 and was baptized in May 2022! This was so encouraging, we could not help but be drawn to International Students Incorporated, so we made the jump in the summer of 2022!
Of course, we always have ongoing support needs and would be honored if you chose to invest in our calling to see lost international students become Jesus’s disciple-making disciples.
We have three kids now — two boys, Gianluca and Gabriel, who are wildly energetic and lovely gifts of God, and our little happy princess, Lana! Our little Mestizos 🙂