Dan and Tanya Kronstad


Dan and Tanya Kronstad

Dan: Triangle Area Director – NC
Tanya: Student Conference Team/TRUE Leadership Conference Team Leader

Durham, NC


Dan and Tanya (along with their 3 boys: Erik, Caleb & James) thoroughly enjoy being able to love, befriend and share “LIFE” with students from all over the world in the name of Jesus.  Dan has been working with international students for 20 years, currently in the role of Triangle Area Director, leading the ISI ministries at Duke & NC State Universities and the many volunteers from all over the triangle area.   Tanya has recently joined ISI staff to be part of the Student Conference Team, serving as Team Leader for the TRUE Leadership conference and supporting two other annual conferences, World Changers and NGO Go.    Dan and Tanya are excited to see how the Lord will transform international student lives through the complementary ministries on campus and through these intentional student conferences.  

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